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Claude Gagnon | all galleries >> Oiseaux du Québec >> Passereaux >> Gros-bec errant- Evening grosbeak > Gros-bec errant - Evening Grosbeak
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Gros-bec errant - Evening Grosbeak


La dernière fois que j'en avais vu dans ma petite cour de Repentigny,
c'était en 1985 alors que des bandes de plus de 50 gros-becs venaient s'alimenter tous les jours!

Thirty years ago was the last time I saw these grosbeak feeding at home. Are they finally back for this winter?

Sony Alpha α77 II
1/400s f/6.3 at 420.0mm iso250 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Christian Beaurivage14-Nov-2020 03:26
Superbe prise!
Tom Munson13-Nov-2020 02:59
Beautiful feeder and capture.
Fletcher Wildlife Garden13-Nov-2020 01:27
I keep hearing about them being seen in the vicinity, so maybe they are returning!! Beautiful shot of this male and what a great feeder you have too! V
Missed Opportunities13-Nov-2020 00:49
A nice visitor indeed - - and - - love the blue decorated feeder!
Ghislaine et Réal Boulet13-Nov-2020 00:37
Superbe photo et beau mangeoire. On en a vu ici mais ils ne se sont pas arrêtés se nourrir au mangeoire.
Céline Leclerc13-Nov-2020 00:01
Je vous envie un brin... :-). Un très beau spécimen!
pmakuch12-Nov-2020 23:35
action at the feeder, nice !!!
Nirvan Hope12-Nov-2020 23:31
Delightful against the painted blue bird house. Excellent.
Teddy Busby12-Nov-2020 23:27
It must be wonderful to see them once again close to home...Nicely Done~
Pierre Martin12-Nov-2020 23:02
une grosse année de gros bec, ils sont partout, splendide prise!

une quarantaine quotidiennement ici, une chance que j ai des réserves de tournesol!!!
Nick Paoni12-Nov-2020 22:18
Good shot of this interesting bird. I like the colorful feeder.
Patricia Kay12-Nov-2020 22:14
A wonderful capture of this beauty your bird feeder...BV
Range View 12-Nov-2020 21:55
How lovely for you to see them once again, this is an excellent capture of the beautiful Grosbeak. V
Geert Bauke Kortleve12-Nov-2020 20:55
Beautiful bird to have back in your garden Claude!
hayl12-Nov-2020 20:46
You are very lucky. They've been around Ottawa just not in my neighbourhood. You got a great photo of one.
Viviane12-Nov-2020 20:14
très beau et joli mangeoire.
fotabug12-Nov-2020 19:43
Hope so! Then you have something to do, get more photos to share! :)
francoisconstantin12-Nov-2020 19:31
Chanceux de le voir chez toi!!! Superbe!!
Helen Betts12-Nov-2020 19:05
How nice to see this one, and you've captured it well on that colorful bird feeder. V.
Pieter Bos12-Nov-2020 19:05
Lovely bird portrait. ~V
joseantonio12-Nov-2020 18:47
lovely bird and beautiful feeder.V
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