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Jan 2008 Photo-a-Day

Anguish! g4/64/603464/3/92209527.ZpPlW02K.jpg The Movement of Life.
The Movement of Life. Movement. A Winning Smile.
To Catch a Grandmother's heart. Flying Away Home! Looking up!
g4/64/603464/3/92208986.aAKawI6l.jpg Machines!  Ugh! One-A-Day-For-Health!
Winter Dreams. Both Sides Now. g4/64/603464/3/91974026.U2LzZggx.jpg
Both Sides Now. New Moons. Tears of a Clown.
Solitary! Catus in Bloom! Eight Year  Anniversary!
Quick as a Wink! Self-portrait ~ Winter. Commemorative Collage.
Rainy Weather Winter Sunset. Taste Test! Agreed!
New Year's Resolution. Jewel! g4/64/603464/3/91203458.gGSJnWAq.jpg
House on a Hilltop. See, four legs! County Farm.
Madison Sunset. New Year's Resolution. GiGi, a Friend's New Pet.
Oldham County Farm  Collage. Big Barn in the Sky. Following the Yellow Brick Road.