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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> The Creation Museum > Looking up!
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Looking up!

Kodak Z650
1/15s f/2.8 at 6.3mm iso160 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
CM Kwan02-Jun-2008 14:02
Wow, exceptionally beautiful! V
Apostolos Tikopoulos14-Mar-2008 19:56
Excellent perspective and composition. V.
Char02-Feb-2008 02:52
Hi Carol,
This is a wonderful night shot! Great golden color and capture of the lights. Beautiful!! \/
Guest 31-Jan-2008 11:43
It is important to look up, like this! Beautiful warm colours and this curve adds a special delight, V
January Grey30-Jan-2008 06:54
Wonderful POV and a beautiful composition, Carol. Great composition, and stunning light! V~
Ann...28-Jan-2008 11:07
Guest 28-Jan-2008 00:34
Beautiful POV! v
Guest 27-Jan-2008 19:26
This is fabulous work, really well done..v
monil27-Jan-2008 14:45
Magnificent light. v
marie-jose wolff27-Jan-2008 09:34
beautiful lighting and composition! V
Sheila27-Jan-2008 09:16
Great composition and light.
It looks like a poster!
olivier bruning27-Jan-2008 09:04
Liz said it all! vote!
Liz Bickel27-Jan-2008 08:39
Beautiful composition and such a neat perspective. The colors and details are also very nice.
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