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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> Gratitude > Pet Cuddles
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31-Oct-2020 Carol J Phipps

Pet Cuddles

(Edited in Snapseed)

“Time spent with cats is never wasted.”
—Sigmund Freud

“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.”
— Anatole France, French Poet

“There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life:
music and cats.” —Albert Schweitzer

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Neil Marcus09-Nov-2020 02:12
It's nice seeing a recent picture of you, Carol
larose forest photos03-Nov-2020 19:26
Oh yes, there is nothing quite like it! V
Chris03-Nov-2020 17:47
Nothing like have a pet for company.
Julie Oldfield03-Nov-2020 02:40
Heartwarming! V
laine03-Nov-2020 00:39
I have my Lucy-Lou glued to my side right now...cats are wonderful companions. V
Brenda01-Nov-2020 21:25
Pet cuddles are the best! My Callie Ann (a calico cat) lovest to cuddle and I like it too at this time of year!
Guest 01-Nov-2020 18:54
A wonderful photo. There is nothing like cuddling with your cat.
Walter Otto Koenig01-Nov-2020 18:54
A wonderful photo. There is nothing like cuddling with your cat.
Fong Lam01-Nov-2020 17:08
The feeling must be wonderful to feel, love and cuddle your beloved pet...V
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