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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> Scavenger Hunt October 2019 > Obstruction
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Carol J Phipps


Dry Brush Filter

Nikon D90
1/60 F7.1 ISO 1000 200mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
jeanb07-Oct-2019 15:52
Gorgeous. You’ve captured a wonderful moment.
Helen Betts07-Oct-2019 13:59
What a great way to frame this cute little bird! V.
Graeme07-Oct-2019 11:24
Very well composed shot, Carol.V
larose forest photos07-Oct-2019 02:50
Incredible capture. You were there at the right moment to get this wonderful image. V
Jeff Real06-Oct-2019 23:26
You really have this moment captured so perfectly!
DeMorcan06-Oct-2019 23:10
Ray :)06-Oct-2019 22:02
Loving this!
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