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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> May 2010 Challenge ~ Memories > Alisha's Yellow Rose.
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Alisha's Yellow Rose.

Another presentation of Alisha's Rose from yesterday ~
still enjoying it's perfume.

Kodak Z650
1/30s f/2.8 at 6.3mm iso160 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Lloyd & Sandy Spitalnik18-Jul-2010 05:51
Lovely image!
coaster17-May-2010 04:32
Lovely shot!
Kombizz16-May-2010 06:59
nice one
Char15-May-2010 20:07
Really beautiful, Carol! \/
LynnH15-May-2010 17:52
Fantastic light and color!! BV
Frank Brault15-May-2010 15:37
Gorgeous color nd light.
Stephanie15-May-2010 10:06
God's handiwork ~ simply gorgeous! BV
Jola Dziubinska15-May-2010 10:04
Stunning presentation. V.
lou_rozensteins15-May-2010 08:55
Beautiful light and colour. Very well done.
Mieke WA Minkjan15-May-2010 07:50
another great shot of the rose
BleuEvanescence15-May-2010 05:34
A piece of fine art...
Kathryn15-May-2010 05:04
Another beauty.
borisalex15-May-2010 04:34
I have it already in memory, trying to convey the perfume! V.
Cindi Smith15-May-2010 02:41
Another stunning image! Wow! V
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