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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> May 2010 Challenge ~ Memories > Sheltered in Arms of Praying Friends
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Sheltered in Arms of Praying Friends

A Peony grown by one of my elder friends
reminds me of a circle of prayer and friendship.
Edna has a prayer group in her home and
welcomed me when I first came to this community. She
grows beautiful flowers and once she knew I like photography
she invited me to photograph her flowers. That was four years ago.
I can always depend of these friends to embrace me and my concerns in prayer.

Kodak Z650
1/8s f/2.8 at 6.3mm iso160 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 19-May-2010 01:11
Frank Brault06-May-2010 01:49
It is wonderful to have friends who are so supportive. Love the photo, especially the bit of yellow. V
Jola Dziubinska05-May-2010 23:39
Gorgeous flower, excellent capture. V.
Bernard Davis03-May-2010 11:54
Lovely thought and a lovely photo.
Mieke WA Minkjan02-May-2010 07:59
wonderful macro of the peony, nice story
Kerry Tingley02-May-2010 06:17
A lovely story and image Carol.
Bill Reed02-May-2010 02:43
Great image and a wonderful story to go along.
Cindi Smith01-May-2010 23:19
Always good to have prayer groups as that is the most powerful thing we have. Love the image, Carol!
lou_rozensteins01-May-2010 22:41
It's a beautiful colourful close-up! Very well done.
borisalex01-May-2010 21:08
Yes.. that´s is all about and I´m so happy for you!
Guest 01-May-2010 20:54
Beautiful peony and a tender story Carol!! V
Chris01-May-2010 19:05
Gorgeous image.
Stephanie01-May-2010 18:41
A memory to be treasured forever!
Wonderful peony Carol! :)
J. Scott Coile01-May-2010 18:01
Now that's a good memory.
LynnH01-May-2010 17:20
what a lovely memory. Kindness is always remembered! V
Kathryn01-May-2010 17:10
Beautiful - interesting story too.
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