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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> Juxtaposition of Material Things > Photographer and His Camera
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Photographer and His Camera

This delightful man participated in a face painting class between takes
at the Clown Conference.

His eyes are closed showing the paint on the eyelids.
Once the professional makeup is powdered, it will not rub off without effort;
the camera is safe!

0.00s full exif

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Jola Dziubinska17-Mar-2010 00:07
Weird and scary mask, superb juxta shot.
laine16-Mar-2010 23:28
Oh that's scary!!...good capture though.
Bernard Davis16-Mar-2010 21:01
Great face on him. Lovely catch for you.
LynnH16-Mar-2010 12:17
Funny! I hope he doesn't get that pan makeup on the camera. LOL
Guest 16-Mar-2010 12:15
Wonderful painting, wild but cute at the same time! Great shot Carol!
Kevin Chester16-Mar-2010 11:59
Thats one strange photographer
Yvonne16-Mar-2010 11:08
I wondered about the eyes!
Mieke WA Minkjan16-Mar-2010 06:57
wonderful catch
borisalex16-Mar-2010 05:11
So funny and will he still see something while filming?
Bryan Murahashi16-Mar-2010 04:31
Fabulous face painting and photo. V
Sheila16-Mar-2010 03:54
Fantastic makeup!
Kerry Tingley16-Mar-2010 03:27
A wonderful capture Carol! I really like the blue "eyes".
Bill Reed16-Mar-2010 01:49
What a great picture, the colors and the face are excellent.
lou_rozensteins16-Mar-2010 01:00
I'm glad you explained about the eyes! It's a great effect. This is an excellent shot. Well done.
Stephanie16-Mar-2010 00:12
This is hysterical Carol! It's not every day that we see a man looking like a wild animal. :)
Graeme15-Mar-2010 23:33
Wonderful candid shot Carol.BV!
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