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Gentle Touch

A Brown-eyed Susan petal with the lenbaby and macro lens.

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Martha Albuquerque05-Mar-2007 01:00
For sure it is a gentle touch, Carol.. soft and magic mood, voting.
Kathy Thompson18-Feb-2007 11:34
Superbly delicate! Just beautiful!
cat bounds28-Dec-2006 04:00
I can't stop looking at this one. Gossamer watercolor. V
Guest 22-Nov-2006 09:02
absolutely fabulous.
Greg Lavaty20-Oct-2006 15:12
Very interesting shot. Vote
Joanne Kamo20-Oct-2006 06:54
Absolutely simple and gorgeous. V
Char14-Sep-2006 11:50
It looks like Lemon Chiffon, how lushes looking. V
Peg O'Brien14-Sep-2006 10:41
To the edge, very nice. voted
QUERIDO14-Sep-2006 06:55
very nice,vote
carol j. phipps14-Sep-2006 02:37
Exquisite. Vote.
Guest 14-Sep-2006 01:10
Carol, you just keep knocking my socks off with these superb soft-focus macros. Wow!
Cindi Smith13-Sep-2006 23:49
Absolutely magical shot! V
laine8213-Sep-2006 22:07
Does it get any better !! vote
Guest 13-Sep-2006 21:38
What understated beauty - so softly gentle. Mr. Rudbeck would approve, I'm sure. John
carabias13-Sep-2006 20:35
Very, very, very excellent work. She is the most beautiful.
muy, muy, muy excelente trabajo. Es bellísima.
Bonnie 13-Sep-2006 20:02
Beautiful, golden wings
that perhaps belong to
an angel. This is a beautiful
golden, gentle touch. ~Bon