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CIS | all galleries >> Galleries >> Bending The Rules ~ LB2 > Butterfly Garden
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Butterfly Garden

Tried some shots with the lensbaby in my butterfly garden, yesterday.
No real editing really, think I used brightness of +3? :-)

other sizes: small medium original auto
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olivier bruning10-Oct-2008 10:25
a fairytale! so lovely....V
Guest 19-Jun-2008 23:47
Beautiful Shot V
Martha Albuquerque20-Feb-2007 21:42
Magic! like a gorgeous painting! wow, Carol! Bravo and vote!
Guest 23-Oct-2006 16:30
fI rally like this shot. The soft flowers make a great background. vote.
Joanne Kamo20-Oct-2006 13:36
I like the softness and color combination. V
Jay Levin20-Oct-2006 05:50
Totally amazing. Vote
Christin Tröger12-Sep-2006 09:50
De'Carr Studio11-Sep-2006 04:19
Excellent, Carol. Big Vote
Barb11-Sep-2006 01:42
Beautiful dreamy look to the background.
Sayer10-Sep-2006 15:01
Lovely! Such a nice dreamy look.
Char10-Sep-2006 13:09
Beautiful! V
QUERIDO10-Sep-2006 07:06
very nice image,V
Cindi Smith10-Sep-2006 01:59
This is fabulous! Can't even describe how wonderful it is! V
carabias10-Sep-2006 00:56
Extraordinary photography, Carol. She is gorgeous. GMV
Kathy Pedersen09-Sep-2006 23:05
Oh Carol, this is amazing, what a sweet capture and lovely pastels....and I could go on and on. Voted
laine8209-Sep-2006 22:14
This lens & your talent make you the perfect pair, Carol. This should be on a greeting card !! Vote
LaRouquine09-Sep-2006 22:10
These butterflies are everywhere!
but so many different ways to take a picture of them!
Bonnie 09-Sep-2006 21:57
A magical moment with
Lensbaby and you! ~Bon
Guest 09-Sep-2006 21:29
Lovely. The LB helps make this image ethereal. I really like it.
carol j. phipps09-Sep-2006 20:54
Gorgeous! Effective treatment.