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©09-MAY-2006 CIS


Nottawasaga River, ON

Woodsmoke filled the air, as we rounded the bend we could see where it was coming from.
It was a controlled fire so all was well.

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Martha Albuquerque15-Jul-2007 15:53
wow, like i was there.. v*
Guest 26-Apr-2007 21:01
wonderful composition...
Barb12-May-2006 12:01
Makes for a beautiful scene. Well captured.
laine8212-May-2006 07:52
Certainly beautiful & from the comments I am not alone in thinking so. Beautiful work from the Panny, Carol ~gmv
CIS12-May-2006 03:53
Heartfelt thanks to all. Bon, what beautiful words from Pocahontas song...perfect for
this. Char, I had considered putting in the info, so nice of you to check it out.
It's beautiful there...I get lost in the moment, in places like this.
Char12-May-2006 03:02
A wonderful scene! The smoke made me think of indians and the one group of trees kind of looks like a teepee.I thought the name was very interesting and looked it up. I knew it was an indian name but wondered what it meant said it's the Algonquin word for "Iroquois" and "river outlet". v
De'Carr Studio12-May-2006 01:25
At least there was plenty of water available to extinguish the flames...nice capture, Carol
Sue Robertson11-May-2006 21:45
What a beautiful scene.
Bonnie 11-May-2006 21:33
To quote a song from Pocahontas--Just Around the Riverbend
"What I love most about rivers is:
You can't step in the same river twice
The water's always changing, always flowing"

Beautiful river scene even with the controlled fire.
The smoke adds an air of uncertainty.
Guest 11-May-2006 21:24
Lovely photo of a very beautiful setting :-)
Martha Albuquerque11-May-2006 20:10
Lovely photo, dear Carol!! And I am glad all if fine!
Martha :*