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©09-MAY-2006 CIS

Fancy Meeting You Here

A chance meeting along the Nottawasaga River.
Didn't have much choice for a better composition, but thought the accidental meeting was nice.

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Martha Albuquerque15-Jul-2007 15:51
i think it's a nice find, Carol.. perfect timming, v*
Char23-Apr-2007 01:50
Hi Carol,
Excellent colors in this shot! It's so nice to capture at least 1 interesting even in the course of the day.
laine8212-May-2006 07:54
Life as it comes is not always as perfect as it could be, but no less lovely.
b 11-May-2006 21:30
A chance encounter between strangers... or are they
friends? A smile so the exchange is friendly..... A
photo with a bit of story to develop in my imagination.
Looks like a beautiful day to be on the river.