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CIS | all galleries >> ::TRAVELS *Near & Far*:: >> Various Places > Golden Flight
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Golden Flight

British Columbia

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January Grey29-Jul-2007 04:11
A golden opportunity for another outstanding capture! Well done, Carol. Serenity plus! V~
laine8226-Jul-2007 23:57
That's so lovely..reminds me of a japanese silk painting ~v
Martha Albuquerque15-Jul-2007 15:49
gorgeous gold view, what a capture and result, Carol dear.. v*
Guest 15-Jul-2007 13:37
The gold really makes this image! Good balance in the composition.
Guest 26-Apr-2007 20:59
spectacular capture... gorgeous light... love that bird flaying towards...
Mostafa Moftah11-May-2006 23:28
What a scene, Carol.. great mood. voted.
Char16-Mar-2006 04:46
This is a truely beautiful scene. You went to BC?