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CIS | all galleries >> ::TRAVELS *Near & Far*:: >> Various Places > Nature's Moods
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Nature's Moods

Taken in British Columbia.

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laine8226-Jul-2007 23:55
Looks quite magical, Carol GMV for beauty
Guest 21-Jul-2007 22:11
Extraordinary photo. The colors are in perfect harmony with the scene.
Great shot.
Sherry Youden 27-Apr-2007 19:02
Guest 26-Apr-2007 21:00
Joanne Kamo17-Mar-2007 04:20
Wow! This is a stunning shot! The capture of the light is so magical. V
Jay Levin27-Oct-2006 15:58
Wonderful light and mood, Carol. Vote
Guest 25-Oct-2006 02:36
Oh my, ethereal to say the least ... voted
Martha Albuquerque19-Oct-2006 16:46
Stunning shot, Carol dear :) Voted.
Rich Westfall25-Sep-2006 20:31
What a beautiful, mysterious shot. Great light.
Mostafa Moftah11-Mar-2006 09:37
Gorgeous moment captured wonderfully.
Yiannis Pavlis29-Sep-2005 13:43
a stunning mood.great photo.beautifull light.
CIS26-Oct-2004 05:33
Kindest thanks Terry, Mother Nature is awesome!
Guest 25-Oct-2004 08:00
Simply gorgeous carol :)