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Welcome to My High Resolution Image Gallery
These images represent a range of high resolution photography
up to the equivalent of a "GigaPixel" digital camera. They are created specifically
to enable the creation of very large prints, graphics, and murals while maintaining incredible
detail. Some of the images here have been produced to create murals up to 30 feet
on the long side, although some are capable of going even a larger.

Standard Resolution Imagery of Mt. Shasta may be found in the "Shasta" Gallery (link above)

Just click on the images to view larger - Thank you so much for visiting,
and although I don't always find the time to respond in kind
- I appreciate your comments very much - thank you! Enjoy your visit!


Sales: Yes, I do sell or license many of these images :) Prices depend on use/size.

click on the "Contact Cindy" link with questions or use requests
Selected works of Cindy Diaz may be viewed in person at The Gallery in Mount Shasta
201 North Mt. Shasta Blvd., and Gallery 319, 319 N. Mt. Shasta Blvd., Mt. Shasta, CA 96067 - 530-926-2334 ________________________________________________________________________________________________
*Note: All work is copyrighted. Please do not hotlink, copy, or download without prior permission. ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Hermes' Wing - Mount Shasta Reflected in Lake Siskiyou
Hermes' Wing - Mount Shasta Reflected in Lake Siskiyou
Mossbrae Falls
Mossbrae Falls
Eye of the Storm Panorama
Eye of the Storm Panorama
Double Stack
Double Stack
Mount Shasta Reflected in Lake Siskiyou
Mount Shasta Reflected in Lake Siskiyou
Shasta Pano (4,664 x 14,270 pixels)
Shasta Pano (4,664 x 14,270 pixels)
Avalanche Gulch IV
Avalanche Gulch IV
Lake Siskiyou Morning (9,351 x 18,821 pixels)
Lake Siskiyou Morning (9,351 x 18,821 pixels)
Avalanche Gulch I (6,684 x 19,748 pixels)
Avalanche Gulch I (6,684 x 19,748 pixels)
Avalanche Gulch II (5,323 x 13,008 pixels)
Avalanche Gulch II (5,323 x 13,008 pixels)
Avalanche Gulch III (4030 x 12,340 Pixels)
Avalanche Gulch III (4030 x 12,340 Pixels)
Avalanche Gulch VII
Avalanche Gulch VII
Lenticular Clouds over Shasta
Lenticular Clouds over Shasta
Castle Crags in Black and White (6,077 x 17,331 pixels)
Castle Crags in Black and White (6,077 x 17,331 pixels)
Castle Crags in Color
Castle Crags in Color
Lake Siskiyou Panorama
Lake Siskiyou Panorama