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Canon Image Challenge | all galleries >> History (Best Of) >> Best of C*I*C >> Best of 2014 > (2nd)
On the Road
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16-MAR-2014 KChristian

On the Road

GoPro HERO3 Black Edition
1/100s f/2.8 at 2.8mm iso171 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Canon Image Challenge24-Mar-2014 00:45
Thanks, Daniel! Thanks, K! It appears to be pretty much unanimous that every one prefers this image to the other one I posted ... I appreciate all the comments. - Ken
Canon Image Challenge23-Mar-2014 12:01
Ken, not sure I remember well the another version, but this one is really very good - the open road, the motion blur, the sharpness and, first of all - the idea. Very well done.
Daniel Bollag23-Mar-2014 10:35
Sorry, KChristian, I'm coming late as well «to this party». Just in case you needed one more opinion (which I know you don't ;-)) here comes mine: I like, as does everyone else, this *much* better (for the reasons stated already in earlier comments)... ~ db.
Canon Image Challenge19-Mar-2014 01:09
Thanks, Alastair, for your kind words. - Ken
Canon Image Challenge18-Mar-2014 21:02
Sorry for coming to this late, but I agree with others about your choice. I like this better too. The motion blur and the empty road make it.
Canon Image Challenge18-Mar-2014 17:16
OK ... I have decided to use this image. The original image I entered has been moved to pending. Thanks for all your comments ... on both images. - Ken
Canon Image Challenge18-Mar-2014 03:17
My preference as well. I like the open road in front, as well as the motion blur.

Canon Image Challenge18-Mar-2014 02:02
For the time being I have moved this image from Pending to Eligible while I try to decide which of the two images I like best. I will probably remove one of them prior to voting, if I can make up my mind. Thanks, all. - Ken
Guest 17-Mar-2014 05:02
Ahh, different things for different people...this is much, much better to me...and I particularly like the open road...great image. Belongs in elibible and let people vote for one of the
Canon Image Challenge17-Mar-2014 02:56
Oh wow, I actually like this one much better!
