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CIC 264: Making Spirits Bright (Joy to the World) | CIC 263: | CIC 262 My Style | CIC 261: Blue | CIC 260: ART! | CIC 259: Feeling Hot Hot Hot | CIC 258: Outdoor Living | CIC 257: Light and Dark | CIC 256: The Great Outdoors | CIC 255: The Hand of Man | CIC 254: Green | Transportation | CIC 252 Cold | CIC 251 Geometry | CIC 250/CCL | CIC 249 | CIC 248 Music and Jimmy Buffet | CIC 247: B&W / Monochrome | CIC 246: Dog Days Of Summer | CIC 245: So Far Away | CIC 244 : Summertime | CIC 243: Small | CIC 242: Light! | CIC 241: Paths | CIC 240: Home | CIC239 | CIC238 Celebration | CIC 237 TWO | CIC 236 Water | CIC 235 Straight Out Of The Camera | CIC 234 Trees and/or Wood | CIC 233. LINES | CIC 232 | CIC 231 Gershwin | CIC 230 Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? | CIC 229 Blue and Yellow: Colors of Spring and Hope | CIC 228 Up Close & Personal | CIC 227 Monochrome/toned | CIC 226 Happy New Year | CIC 225 Holiday Cheer and Peace | CIC 224 Technology Old or New | CIC 223 Autumn/Halloween | CIC 222 Food | CIC 221 | CIC 220 Summertime | CIC 219 Hot or Cold | CIC 218_Titles and/or Lyrics from That Guy | CIC 217: The Beatles : 1963 and 1967 | CIC 216: Shake, Rattle & Roll | CIC CCXV | CIC 214 | Old and New CIC 213 | Ice Capades CIC 212 | Primary Colors CIC 211 | Back In Thyme Rerun CIC 1 | CIC 209 Ship Shape | CIC 208 Let’s Make Some Music! | CIC 207 4 in 1 (Fresh Vegetable(s), Liquids, Open, Summer Time/Challenge) | CIC 206 Light and Dark | CIC 205 C for Corona or V for Virus | Staying Home & Staying Safe | CIC 203 Black & White | CIC 202 Forces of Nature | CIC 201 Time | CIC 200 The Vastness of Life (with Lyrics) | CIC 199: Food | CIC 198: Things that Move (or Motion) | CIC 197: Liquids or Hometown Pride | CIC 196: The Hand of Man | CIC 195: This is Your Life | CIC 194 : Summer | CIC 193 : Inanimate Objects | CIC 192 Manifestations of Spring | CIC 191 Details | CIC 190 Reflections | CIC 189--Open Challenge! | CIC 188 Looking Up or Looking Down | CIC 187 Dominant Color | Almost | Art N Architecture | SIMPLY LINES | CIC 183 Work Hard Play Hard | Stars | Hot...It Is the Time of Hot (!) | Visual Shorthand | Energy II | CIC178 Rock `n Roll...The Rolling Stones, Song Titles & Lyrics | CIC177 Objects of Interest or Desire or Curiosity | CIC 176 Water | CIC 175 Layers | CIC 174 Birds | CIC 173 Holiday Color and Spirit | CIC 172: White | CIC 171: Beatles Song Titles | CIC 170 Motion | CIC 169 Patterns | CIC: 168 Black and White | FAQ | History (Best Of) | Challenges From The Past | In Box | Eligible

History (Best Of)

o2/96/935496/1/120187206.XEIwiREx.cic_history.jpg Best of C*I*C
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