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chrisse | all galleries >> My picture a day >> PaD 2007 >> PaD mei 2007 > 9 mei 2007
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9 mei 2007

Managed to grab a quick shot today, hadn't touched the camera since the wedding last saturday.
It's been raining since monday, so it's back to playing indoors...

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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laine8210-May-2007 18:01
Subdued loveliness.
QUERIDO10-May-2007 04:50
Beautiful shot,vote
Sheila10-May-2007 02:47
Oh so delicate.
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography09-May-2007 23:30
Very nice, wonderful colors.
Silvia Roitman09-May-2007 22:52
Guest 09-May-2007 22:23
Very beautiful and delicate image,Chrisse!V
Thierry Lucas09-May-2007 21:07
Belle composition et superbes tons pastels.
Guest 09-May-2007 20:45
so fragile and love the softness.