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Mieke WA Minkjan | all galleries >> Galleries >> Berlin > Bahnhof Friederich strasse+ Traenenpalast
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Bahnhof Friederich strasse+ Traenenpalast

Soon the Traenenpalast will be hiding behind a high rise building.(2005) The Traenepalast is now a building classified as a historical monument and presented it as what it used to be under those different premises but also as what it was to be in future: a place for borderliners where living cultures can clash. The Traenenpalast is the former customs clearance room at the station Friedrichstraße. The theatre is named after The former customs clearance room at the station Friedrichstraße - where the East-Berliners had said their good-byes to their visitors from the West.
Built in the same time as the Berlin Wall it was used by the GDR passport and customs officials as checkpoint between two worlds. With the sudden re-unification of Germany and the falling down of the borders it seemed nothing but right to give up this place to total ignorance: it was neglected and left empty.

Canon PowerShot S330
1/400s f/2.7 at 5.4mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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