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Charlene Ambrose | all galleries >> Galleries >> lighthouses > Pointe Vicente Lighthouse
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Pointe Vicente Lighthouse

Palos Verdes Peninsula, California

On the spur of the moment, we went to see if there were any big waves around this lighthouse. There were more waves rolling in than we've seen before but nothing dramatic.

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Alexander Kazakov03-Aug-2023 17:29
Outstanding! V
Graeme10-May-2023 23:59
A great view of this cove and lighthouse from this vantage point, Char.V
Dan Greenberg25-Jan-2023 16:11
Excellent composition! I like the way the land curves around and leads our eyes to the lighthouse beyond. ~BV~
Dennis Hoyne25-Jan-2023 02:35
A beautiful composition, Charlene!
Johnny JAG24-Jan-2023 20:01
Beautifully composed view
bill friedlander24-Jan-2023 18:03
Nicely composed with the sweep of the shore. V
Nirvan Hope23-Jan-2023 06:04
A fine little bay with just the right amount of action in the water for added interest.
Nick Paoni23-Jan-2023 00:33
Love the curve of the small bay with the lighthouse in the distance.
Pete Hemington22-Jan-2023 19:26
A wild place, well taken
Guest 22-Jan-2023 10:53
A beautiful scene !
Danad22-Jan-2023 10:53
A beautiful scene !
globalgadabout21-Jan-2023 20:31
this captures the feel of the day....that sea is wild enough and does not look good for swimming at the moment..
Julie Oldfield21-Jan-2023 17:26
Very lovely composition. I like the curves. V
Guest 21-Jan-2023 16:57
A nicely composed image from this beautiful location. "V"
Walter Otto Koenig21-Jan-2023 16:57
A nicely composed image from this beautiful location. "V"
marie-jose wolff21-Jan-2023 16:36
a wonderful seascape! V
Marcia Rules21-Jan-2023 15:58
Nice and somber----I like the mood! V~
Helen Betts21-Jan-2023 14:31
Still a beautiful scene, even if the waves weren't gigantic. V.
Jeff Real21-Jan-2023 14:14
This is such a lovely photograph!
I love the composition.
joseantonio21-Jan-2023 11:53
what a splendid view.V.
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