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17-JAN-2006 audiotweak

Light 'em if you got 'em

Disclaimer: Smoking is BAD and you shouldn't do it.

I'd have taken a picture of something else but my anvil hasn't arrived yet :)

Canon EOS 5D ,Sigma 15mm f/2.8 EX Fisheye
1/3s f/10.0 at 15.0mm iso1600 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Rick21-Jan-2006 22:03
Nicely done
Guest 20-Jan-2006 00:38
Wonderful exposure.
Guest 18-Jan-2006 15:38
Nice shot..
Gary Martin18-Jan-2006 07:57
Very good control of exposure on this tricky lighting shot.
Guest 18-Jan-2006 05:31
very nice lighting and color.
debi from or
Jim Thode18-Jan-2006 05:25
Good pic but I'm going to stay with my anvil, it's safer.
dawn18-Jan-2006 04:32
great lighting mike.... that you?
Bobbie 18-Jan-2006 01:16
Nice photo but bad business "that". Bobbie