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Debbie B

Cat eyes by candlelight. This was somewhat difficult. I used my 100mm macro at f2.8 (no DOF) and 1/10 sec (on tripod, cat would not hold still when told to do so.) Very bad cat. :-)

Canon EOS 20D
1/10s f/2.8 at 100.0mm iso3200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Lori H 22-Jan-2006 00:51
Beautiful job, Debbie, love the warm light and colors
dawn18-Jan-2006 04:35
nice shot and good DOF--I like the catchlights too. Good job!
Digital Rebels17-Jan-2006 11:39
Well at least you managed to get the eyes in focus, Debbie, well done!!
I like the warmth of this image.