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22-OCT-2005 Brian Werner

Brian W TN

Sevierville, TN

County courthouse in Sevierville, TN near sunset.

Canon EOS 20D ,Sigma 70-200 f/2.8 EX HSM APO
1/1000s f/4.5 at 200.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Lisa Schlender30-Oct-2005 20:28
I really like the lighting on is casting such a lovely color!
Seff 29-Oct-2005 14:46
Very nice composition & exposure
Gary Martin28-Oct-2005 19:03
Great lighting - very effective shot
Guest 27-Oct-2005 16:51
Lovely colour.. leaning to the left a bit..
Rod Rees 27-Oct-2005 14:24
Nice lighting & sky on a beautiful building!