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Digital Rebels | all galleries >> Weeklies >> Weekly Galleries of 2005 >> Weekly pics from October 22, 2005 - Oct 28, 2005 > edit image
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Lisa Schlender30-Oct-2005 20:43
Excellent action shot and nice vivid colors.
Guest 29-Oct-2005 17:30
Sonny29-Oct-2005 15:35
I love this shot. Lighting, colors & composition are just great!
Seff 29-Oct-2005 14:47
Dayam Terry - wonderful shot
Gary Martin28-Oct-2005 19:03
Fantastic capture. The color, the speed, the spectacle.
Janet Forjan-Freedman27-Oct-2005 22:12
Great action shot. Janet
Rick27-Oct-2005 22:08
Terry you out did yourself. Nice and sharp, good color.
Guest 27-Oct-2005 17:47
Fantastic shot, great capture and lighting... Srini RR
Guest 27-Oct-2005 16:37
Nice catch..
dawn27-Oct-2005 14:44
this and all the others you posted are wonderful....