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Carole Stevens | all galleries >> Galleries >> Digital Art! > Painting my wood just with light no PS!
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Painting my wood just with light no PS!

I'm starting my 2nd Year of PBase with something creative, start as you mean to go on!

Thought Id have some fun with a torch, so Dave shone the torch across our wood several times, while I used a slow shutter speed to catch were he had been with the torch!
I have to stress NO photo shop at all.
(Where we live out in the sticks we have to have a big torch, it lights up miles of fields!)

Here's another image using the light form a torch!

Canon EOS 20D
8s f/3.5 at 18.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Laryl05-Mar-2007 03:04
fun.. I like the one where he spins best
Victoria04-Mar-2007 05:17
Carole , you have a great eyes to control the light, fantastic ,Bravo
J. Scott Coile03-Mar-2007 22:18
Fun and creative start to a new Pyear ;-)
Rose Atkinson03-Mar-2007 21:14
Ahaa.. you've been reading DCMag too !
Guest 03-Mar-2007 20:50
fun image indeed
lots of options when doing this
Gail Davison03-Mar-2007 20:24
very ghostly. Fantastic shot Cazi.
beverley harrison03-Mar-2007 20:09
lol!! lots of fun will be had by all tonight what with the eclipse and all!!
Ron Gile03-Mar-2007 20:02
I can't wait for tonight to try this. How creative. Your sub pic is also very creative.
Johnny JAG03-Mar-2007 19:47
You clever clogs!
Nicki Thurgar03-Mar-2007 19:32
Painting with light... fantastic result Cazi!
edwina beaumont03-Mar-2007 19:31
interesting colour effects, if you keep it up for a long time all the birds will come out to feed
Guest 03-Mar-2007 19:29
indeed creepy but I love it.
Guest 03-Mar-2007 19:27
This is soooo cool!!!! Very nicely done!
Ray :)03-Mar-2007 19:23
My, you have a big torch :)
Seems like fun!
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