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Carole Stevens | all galleries >> Galleries >> Digital Art! > Fashionable cows!
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Fashionable cows!

Today's Thursday challenge is graffiti or poster art, its one for John doesn't she look gorgeous!

Even the cows have to keep up with!

Others hunting graffiti and posters are


Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ3
1/125s f/4.9 at 46.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Emmanuel Panagiotakis28-Nov-2007 21:42
Very nice and funny picture well-done
Emmanuel Panagiotakis28-Nov-2007 21:42
Very nice and funny picture well-done
carol j. phipps16-Nov-2007 03:32
This is fabulous!
Barry S Moore12-Nov-2007 12:16
Cool effect
Tracy Howell11-Nov-2007 21:03
LOL...........Eat your heart out Kate Moss!.
Dan Chusid10-Nov-2007 19:09
Looks like it's wearing Jennifer's hat!
Tom Munson09-Nov-2007 23:53
Terrific image Carole. V
Robbie D7009-Nov-2007 17:25
Funny shot , had to laugh, bet someone is drooling over this cow pic !!!!!
Faye White09-Nov-2007 15:15
she is the envy of the herd! :)
Guest 09-Nov-2007 11:28
Debbie Blackburn Beierle09-Nov-2007 07:35
This photo is "therapy"!! I sure made me laugh! Great job!
Guest 09-Nov-2007 05:43
Cool shot Carole !
carolynne_w09-Nov-2007 04:48
Bill Ewart Jr09-Nov-2007 04:09
Guest 09-Nov-2007 02:10
Great fun:-) Made me smile.
Cindi Smith09-Nov-2007 00:34
hehe! Too funny!
Jen Bixler08-Nov-2007 23:41
Made me smile! Thanks!
Gail Davison08-Nov-2007 23:03
hahaha. so funny.
Phillip Normanton08-Nov-2007 22:53
LOL - Brilliant!! - even better as you're without-camera :( :))
Guest 08-Nov-2007 22:03
Poor cow,hope she doesn't catch sight of herself in the mirror,Carole!Great entry!!!
beverley harrison08-Nov-2007 20:15
PML!! i bloody well hope that camera of yours is replaced soon, cos you have waaaay too much time on your hands!!
pml...she actually looks familiar... ;)
Nicki Thurgar08-Nov-2007 19:41
LOL Cazi! Great entry!
Guest 08-Nov-2007 18:37
love it Carole
Ray :)08-Nov-2007 17:53
Looks like the farmers your way have found a lucrative sideline. I'm thinking by squeezing her teats, you'll get yourself a cocktail :)
Jola Dziubinska08-Nov-2007 16:28
Very creative shot, fantastic find :)))
CIS08-Nov-2007 15:52
Too funny!!!:o)
Guest 08-Nov-2007 15:48
Barbara Heide08-Nov-2007 15:44
lol! great composition, very creative! I'm sure John will love her!v
wernere0108-Nov-2007 15:27
LOL, very nice.
Tim van Woensel08-Nov-2007 15:05
Was this for real?! :) LOL
J. Scott Coile08-Nov-2007 14:55
Nice accessories ;-)
Dave Wixx08-Nov-2007 14:49
Funny. I bet it was a struggle putting those earrings on!!
Maaike Huizer08-Nov-2007 14:38
laine8208-Nov-2007 13:11
:>)) a moooover & shaker !!
Ann...08-Nov-2007 13:08
What a Hoot!! or should that be Moooo!!!
Guest 08-Nov-2007 13:02
JW08-Nov-2007 12:52
ROTFL!! It'll never catch on!
Sheila08-Nov-2007 12:39
Oh, this is priceless!
Guest 08-Nov-2007 12:30
oh my goodness...the lengths advertisers go! super capture!
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