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Carole Stevens | profile | all galleries >> Creature capers >> Farm Animals! tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Farm Animals!

Magnificent, beautiful and sensitive creatures!
Not smelly and dirty like many people think, I hope to have captured their sensitivity.

What wolf where?
What wolf where?
Year of the pig!
Year of the pig!
Chestnut beauty!
Chestnut beauty!
I hate having my photo taken!
I hate having my photo taken!
The boyz are back in town!
The boyz are back in town!
Billy goat !
Billy goat !
Cameroon ram!
Cameroon ram!
Who are ewe?
Who are ewe?
Its hard work being a lamb!
Its hard work being a lamb!
Panda sheep!
Panda sheep!
Im watching you midgy!
Im watching you midgy!
Charollais Bull!
Charollais Bull!
Mum and older calf!
Mum and older calf!
What ya doing?
What ya doing?
Highland Bull!
Highland Bull!