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Carole Stevens | profile | all galleries >> PBasing meet-ups >> A Day PBasing in London tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

A Day PBasing in London

My 1st meet up with a wonderful group of people who convinced me to join so here I am, and heres a great mix of piks of a great day out in London, Thanks to Bev for asking me to come along!
PBasers at the waterloo mirror.
PBasers at the waterloo mirror.
How did Bev get there?
How did Bev get there?
Cool Dude
Cool Dude
Oxo building and dock
Oxo building and dock
Sheltering from the rain.
Sheltering from the rain.
Shark attack.
Shark attack.
Brave man.
Brave man.
The bin to match.
The bin to match.
Stone Lord.
Stone Lord.
The bronze man.
The bronze man.
Stone gent.
Stone gent.
Under the eye.
Under the eye.
Smokers paradise.
Smokers paradise.
Graffitti rat.
Graffitti rat.
Am I gona make it.
Am I gona make it.