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Carole Stevens | all galleries >> PBasing meet-ups >> Meet The Pbasers! > PBasers at the waterloo mirror.
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PBasers at the waterloo mirror.

Thanks to you all for convincing me to join, thanks for a great day!Here we go.

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Monte Dodge08-May-2006 15:18
Looks like a great group,,,WishI was there for " A Spot of Tea"
Bob Moul03-Apr-2006 17:25
Looks like a neat group, Carol!
Ric Yates18-Mar-2006 09:01
Hi Carole, great to see you took the plunge and joined!
Ian Clowes10-Mar-2006 23:14
Looks fun - just need to find 'the' NW location now! :)
Sharon Rogers05-Mar-2006 15:37
Hello! Nice to see you join pbase, welcome and I hope you have as much fun as I do! (Unless the weather is grey and I'm tearing my hair out trying to get a pad - lol!)
Guest 04-Mar-2006 11:18
Hi Carole - welcome to our world!
laine8203-Mar-2006 21:06
Yes, I second what John says.
JW03-Mar-2006 20:45
Let me be the first (?) to say welcome to PBase - great news. looking forward to seeing your excellent work.
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