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Carol Keeler | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> favorites_of_2021 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
Indigo Bunting in Song
Indigo Bunting in Song
A Bee-utiful Snack
A Bee-utiful Snack
A Packed Beach
A Packed Beach
Cayuga Lake Snow Geese Flurry
Cayuga Lake Snow Geese Flurry
Carolina Wren
Carolina Wren
Cooper Drops By
Cooper Drops By
Dodging Raindrops
Dodging Raindrops
Feeding Baby
Feeding Baby
Fawns Across the Road
Fawns Across the Road
Female Northern Flicker
Female Northern Flicker
Hairy Woodpecker
Hairy Woodpecker
It HIt the Spot
It HIt the Spot
Hungry Hummer
Hungry Hummer
Male Common Yellowthroat
Male Common Yellowthroat
Juvenile Common Yellowthroat
Juvenile Common Yellowthroat
Male Red Belly Woodpecker
Male Red Belly Woodpecker
Mama Cardinal
Mama Cardinal
Marsh Wren in Song
Marsh Wren in Song
My Fledging Bluebird
My Fledging Bluebird
Pheasant Stroll
Pheasant Stroll
Preening .
Preening .
Preening 2
Preening 2
Ready to Drink
Ready to Drink
Seed Robber
Seed Robber
Size Comparison
Size Comparison
Spoonbill Feeding
Spoonbill Feeding
Somebody Feed Me!
Somebody Feed Me!
Spicebush Butterfly
Spicebush Butterfly
Tiger Swallowtail
Tiger Swallowtail
Taking a Break
Taking a Break
Wood Stork and Great Egret
Wood Stork and Great Egret
Yum! Dinner
Yum! Dinner
Bug Hunting
Bug Hunting
Glossy Ibis Fly-By
Glossy Ibis Fly-By
Glossy Ibis Preening
Glossy Ibis Preening
Great Egret Preening
Great Egret Preening
Prothonotory Warbler
Prothonotory Warbler
Collecting Nest Materials
Collecting Nest Materials
More Collecting
More Collecting
Singing for My Lady
Singing for My Lady
Pine Siskin
Pine Siskin
Pine Siskin in the Crabapple
Pine Siskin in the Crabapple
Pine Siskin Kiss
Pine Siskin Kiss
Female Eastern Towhee
Female Eastern Towhee
Male Eastern Towhee
Male Eastern Towhee
And He's Off!
And He's Off!
Baltimore Oriole Has Returned
Baltimore Oriole Has Returned
Eastern Kingbird
Eastern Kingbird
Elegant Pintail
Elegant Pintail
Just a Tasty Morsel
Just a Tasty Morsel
Male Common Redpoll
Male Common Redpoll
Scratching an Itch
Scratching an Itch
Spotted Sandpiper
Spotted Sandpiper
Yellowrump Warbler
Yellowrump Warbler
Hummer and Cardinal Flower
Hummer and Cardinal Flower
Backyard Visitor
Backyard Visitor
Fall Bobolink
Fall Bobolink
The Lookout Bobolink
The Lookout Bobolink
Bobolink On the Move
Bobolink On the Move
Caught Me a Big One
Caught Me a Big One
Downy in the Snow
Downy in the Snow
Hoar Frosted
Hoar Frosted
Lone Tree
Lone Tree
Molting Indigo Bunting
Molting Indigo Bunting
Mother and Child
Mother and Child
Scarlet Tanager in the Rain
Scarlet Tanager in the Rain
Standing Guard
Standing Guard
Juvenile Coopers Hawk
Juvenile Coopers Hawk
Juvenile Male Common Yellowthroat
Juvenile Male Common Yellowthroat
Fall Magnolia Warbler
Fall Magnolia Warbler
Dancing Sandhill Cranes
Dancing Sandhill Cranes
The Pole Sitter
The Pole Sitter