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The Boxer

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Range View 23-Dec-2017 21:26
An excellent B&W portrait the detail is excellent. V
janescottcumming23-Dec-2017 13:34
Fantastic black and white portrait. The composition is terrific too. V
Buz Kiefer18-Dec-2017 23:39
Excellent pose and processing. Very nicely done. Vote.
blizzard18-Dec-2017 01:21
mood drama simply excellent happy christmas to you and your family
Tom LeRoy12-Dec-2017 11:57
Wow, this is such a fine capture, and character study. V
Dave Petersen Photography12-Dec-2017 00:42
So powerful with great emotion and mood. The lighting works so well in this B&W masterpiece. VVV
gerrit11-Dec-2017 11:05
What a great portait. V
fotabug11-Dec-2017 02:58
Excellent! V
Walter Otto Koenig10-Dec-2017 22:02
Great expressive portrait. "V"
Stephanie10-Dec-2017 19:57
Awesome portrait work Carl! V
Hank Vander Velde10-Dec-2017 18:27
SUPER prtrait Carl.
bill friedlander10-Dec-2017 16:20
Excellent character study. The light and tones are superb! V
danad10-Dec-2017 11:16
Great study ! V.
joseantonio10-Dec-2017 05:33
very nice work with the light.V.
Jean D10-Dec-2017 05:15
Excellent candid portrait with a priceless expression. ~V
larose forest photos10-Dec-2017 01:54
Fantastic shot!! V
Helen Betts09-Dec-2017 23:26
What an outstanding portrait, full of emotion. V.
Dwight Rankine09-Dec-2017 22:23
Good shot. Love the lighting!
Pieter Bos09-Dec-2017 22:05
Excellent B&W portrait. ~V
Jim Coffman09-Dec-2017 21:25
Outstanding portrait!!
Neil Marcus09-Dec-2017 21:25
A marvelous character study. The pose and lighting are excellent. "VVV"
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