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Best viewed in original size

Nikon D810
1/4000s f/5.6 at 500.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Range View 12-Dec-2017 22:30
Wow, this is a super wildlife capture, the timing is perfect! V
cmarsh02-Dec-2017 19:49
Incredible in its detail, timing & POV - Outstanding job! - V
Dave Petersen Photography02-Dec-2017 17:32
In baseball terms this is a grand slam!!! Love the action, clarity and moment frozen in time. A superb of capturing so many sharp details in this image. VVV
Tom LeRoy02-Dec-2017 09:04
Wow! Outstanding shot, Carl. V
bill friedlander02-Dec-2017 00:17
Fantastic action shot, hunger has no bounds. V
Buz Kiefer01-Dec-2017 23:12
Outstanding wildlife action photo, Carl. Truly an amazing capture beautifully timed. Vote.
joseantonio01-Dec-2017 05:17
wow, fascinating capture.Well done.V.
Neil Marcus01-Dec-2017 04:07
A thriling thing to see and amazing to capture in a photo. "VV"
Walter Otto Koenig01-Dec-2017 01:51
Amazing action shot. Great detail.
Range View 01-Dec-2017 01:15
Terrific image capturing these two amazing eagles.
Helen Betts01-Dec-2017 00:58
Wow, outstanding action capture. Looks like a food fight! V.
Hank Vander Velde01-Dec-2017 00:35
And the fight is on. Great action shot Carl.
Jim Coffman01-Dec-2017 00:32
Outstanding image, Carl! WOW!!!
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