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Anja Lieder | all galleries >> The Fun Scrap Book >> Out and About with the Ixus (and sometimes, a box of eggs) > Sign Says GO
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Sign Says GO

I will never moan again that I am looking for a greater challenge! Here is where the Tesside Way leads you into a jungle of thistles and nettles. This reminds me of SatNav directing gormless drivers down ravines and other jolly places where no car dares to go. Which is why I never get Satnav! Unfortunately, I came through from the other side, feeling somewhat reassured I had not steered off route, but seeing the path lead into a wheat field, I made the swift decision for a boring road cycle into our neighbouring county!

Two blokes in a vintage convertible passed me about four times - I felt somewhat smug for being in the fresh air and environmentally friendly and cycling off that nice chocolate from earlier on...

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Anja Lieder25-Jul-2008 21:59
The Teesdale Way - it's a European long distance walking route, but in some parts does not appear to be suitable for bicycles, or even the hardiest riders :) Well... shoulda stick to cycling paths, perhaps. Nice when the pain subsides though.
Phillip Normanton25-Jul-2008 21:50
Err wot?
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