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Anja Lieder | all galleries >> The Fun Scrap Book >> Out and About with the Ixus (and sometimes, a box of eggs) > Here's to scrapes 'n saddle sores!
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Here's to scrapes 'n saddle sores!

Risking to look terribly mundane and humdrum, I thought I'd put up something resembling a daily shot - heck, I might even start a 'picture a day on days I feel like it'.

This photo means a lot to me - it proves that after a rather rotten time, I am back in the saddle! Only a gentle 10 miles after work, but the stoopid stiles 'n gates on the Teesdale Way made for some good obstacles. Soon, I shall need slightly more demanding exercise grounds... and more mud!

Canon Digital shoddy old Ixus

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Anja Lieder30-Jul-2008 21:12
As long as it is not making out at make-up counter, I am in. let the Lekker-athlon begin. We can do the next 20 disciplines once we got this list covered.
Christine 30-Jul-2008 08:15
Do you reckon, we'll manage to find 20 disciplines in total? I'm a sucker for even numbers.

Discipline 20: Making over at a make-up counter, peut-être?
Anja Lieder29-Jul-2008 23:14
Discipline 19: Schlapphuteln...

I shot my first Lekkerathlon picture today... yes! But I am tired and I want to go to bed. And I care very much for your comments, I really do, Herzchen. Und uebrigens... wasd ueber die lekkere Einreibe gsagt hast, da stimm ich Dir voll zu! Wollen doch in gewissen Situationen nicht an Magen-Darm-Grippe und Schwangerentee denken! Ne!
Christine 29-Jul-2008 08:04
Okay, so there are 18 disciplines - which means 18 pictures, right? I don't know whether I can provide one for each and every category, but I shall certainly try. You can always upload them on Flickr if they're not serious enough :-)

Thanks for enabling the guest comments here, otherwise I wouldn't be able to add my 100 Yen. (Like anyone cares...)
Anja Lieder28-Jul-2008 18:20
Yes we can! A Lekker-athlon gallery? Do you think this will still be safe in what is supposed to be a 'serious' portfolio account? Ah well... we can be serious at work, lets have fun here!

Discipline 8: Airhockey
Discipline 9: Line Dancing
Discipline 10: Lekker Mittachesse Buffet herrichte
Discipline 11: Pretending to be Hape kerkeling in his incarcation as Trixie
Discipline 12: Mudmen spotting
Discipline 13: Guinea pig fancying
Discipline 14: Indiedancing
Discipline 15: Melodica playing
Discipline 16: Toy camera photo shooting
Discipline 17: Being thrown out of meat aisles in supermarkets
Discipline 18: Italian Fare dodging

Stay lekker! I think you are bringing your own brand of 'knusper' even into PBase, dahling.
Christine 28-Jul-2008 14:34
Good lord, I saw those nasty bruises on your Flickr account >_<

We can? Oh, yes we can! (Zuviel amerikanischer Wahlkampf im TeeVau geschaut, sorry! ^_^;)

I can think of about 183 other disciplines for our Lekker-athlon. Snackette eating, lingerie shopping, cupcake baking, pidgin speaking, mix CD compiling, cat chasing, singing while driving, etc. etc. Plus we're really good at pretending to be a local anywhere in the world.
Do you want to start a new folder for those pictures, pumpkin? (This would be a challenge I wouldn't mind...) ^_^

Anja Lieder28-Jul-2008 11:51
Indie Dancing bruises! That Wedding Present crowd can be a rabid one! I know exactly where the amps were... as marked by nice bruises just above my knees.

But those who say people over 35 are to avoid the mosh pit... are sooo wrong! Because we can! We can!

Well. You know my singing is world class. Competing is out of the question. We'll do the cycling 9without stuetzraedle), swimming in wild waters, and some sort of dancing. Vigorous shoegaze 'n hairslide step, any one?
Christine 28-Jul-2008 11:39
Bruises? Did you take off the Stützrädle again?
Swimming is fine with me, but I don't know if my feet are coordinated well enough for line dancing. How about disco dancing and singing along badly instead? I'm unbeatable at that! ^_^
Anja Lieder28-Jul-2008 09:22
We shall see, Herzchen, we shall see. I wait until the bruises have healed. Howabout some swimming and line dancing, too? A Lekker-athlon!
Christine 28-Jul-2008 07:14
You know where you can find more demanding exercise grounds - you're always welcome here, pumpkin! :-)
Mairéad25-Jul-2008 15:58
I'm impressed - ten miles on a bike on a mudtrack after work! No way.
Phillip Normanton23-Jul-2008 21:34
padodifli - on yer bike! lol
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