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Mirror of my German gallery site. It is an evolving gallery with 15 images on each page; click to the last page to see the most recent images.
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Profile Photo
Profile Photo
Father and Son
Father and Son
Owens Valley Tule Elk
Owens Valley Tule Elk
Gulf Fritillary Butterfly
Gulf Fritillary Butterfly
MiG-15bis Fagot in Soviet Markings
MiG-15bis "Fagot" in Soviet Markings
Mein Analog Geraet
Mein Analog Geraet
Ice, Broken Leaf
Ice, Broken Leaf
Rock and Snow Bush
Rock and "Snow Bush"
Mount Tom
Mount Tom
Woof ! (v.2)
Woof ! (v.2)
Owens Valley and the White Mountains (v.2)
Owens Valley and the White Mountains (v.2)
Wheeler Ridge
Wheeler Ridge
10,000 Acres, 1 Tree, 1 Cow
10,000 Acres, 1 Tree, 1 Cow
Montana Town
Montana Town
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