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Rory Trappe's Recent Galleries

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16-May-2016 05:43
The Red Arrows at RAF Valley
The Red Arrows at RAF Valley
17-Nov-2014 16:00
WRC - WALES 2014
WRC - WALES 2014
21-Oct-2014 12:58
Fiskardo  - Kephalonia 2014
Fiskardo - Kephalonia 2014
01-Oct-2013 19:13
14-Jul-2013 09:07
02-Jun-2012 22:36
Olympic torch at Blaenau Ffestiniog
Olympic torch at Blaenau Ffestiniog
14-Dec-2011 10:59
RAF Valley - Various
RAF Valley - Various
23-Sep-2011 08:22
Mykonos - September 2011
Mykonos - September 2011
10-May-2011 09:33
Mike Middleton and the Welsh Highland Railway
Mike Middleton and the Welsh Highland Railway
23-Feb-2009 10:18
Blaenau Ffestiniog Fire Crew
Blaenau Ffestiniog Fire Crew
31-Aug-2007 18:13
Christmas eve 2006 on Moelwyn bach
Christmas eve 2006 on Moelwyn bach