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David Buzzeo | all galleries >> Power >> Electrification >
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Bert Ooms12-Jan-2021 19:51
Providing electricity to let christmas lights shine in every home..
Great light here as well!
V best,
Don Mottershead26-Dec-2020 19:55
Lovely light and composition. V
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)25-Dec-2020 20:20
Merry Christmas,nice work! V
Walter Otto Koenig25-Dec-2020 16:36
Like the perspective, lighting and colors in the sky. "V"
joseantonio25-Dec-2020 04:09
love this soft light.V.
Helen Betts25-Dec-2020 02:26
Beautiful sky and great composition, and I like the light and shadows on the snow as well. V.
Neil Marcus25-Dec-2020 01:09
Spare and bare and effective. "VV"
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