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David Buzzeo | all galleries >> Power >> Electrification >
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.... and the malefactors, one on the right hand, and the other on the left.

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Martin Lamoon05-May-2020 19:34
\like the use of mono for this picture.
Walter Otto Koenig05-May-2020 16:26
Interesting that you got three different kind of power lines. Works very well in b&w and this well chosen vantage point. "V"
Helen Betts05-May-2020 04:10
I'd have to say power lines aren't the most attractive sight, but you've made these into a striking capture. V.
joseantonio05-May-2020 03:21
nice perspective in B/W...V.
globalgadabout05-May-2020 02:06
a strong presence in the countryside...still, we all have uses for electricity..
Neil Marcus05-May-2020 01:06
Is that ...progress?
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