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Bryan Murahashi | profile | all galleries >> 2024 Adventures >> May - Trip to Japan tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

May - Trip to Japan

A travelogue of our trip to Japan in May.

Todd, Sherri, John and Bryan flew from San Jose to Narita airport.

Spent a morning walking around the Imperial Palace grounds before taking the Shinkansen to Kyoto.

Met up with Dave and Mizuho at the hotel in Kyoto for drinks.
Then spent three days exploring Kyoto and traveling to Tsuruga.

Then did a nice nine day walk along the remains of the Nakasendo way.
An old walking route from Kyoto to Edo(Tokyo).
80 miles of the original 300+ miles.
Beautiful countryside with newly planted rice fields and mountain trails with rushing creeks.

With our new friends from Australia,
Steve and Sandra
Craig and Kay
And our guide, Shiori.

Then a couple of days of walking in Tokyo and flying home.
Nakasendo way map
Nakasendo way map
May 9 - Flying to Narita, Tokyo
:: May 9 - Flying to Narita, Tokyo ::
May 10 - Tokyo to Kyoto
:: May 10 - Tokyo to Kyoto ::
May 11 - Arashiyama, Western Kyoto
:: May 11 - Arashiyama, Western Kyoto ::
May 12 - Visiting Kiyomizu-dera Temple
:: May 12 - Visiting Kiyomizu-dera Temple ::
May 13 - Travel to Tsuruga
:: May 13 - Travel to Tsuruga ::
May 14 - Kyoto Botanical Gardens
:: May 14 - Kyoto Botanical Gardens ::
Day 2 - Kyoto – Hikone – Sekigahara
:: Day 2 - Kyoto – Hikone – Sekigahara ::
Day 3 Sekigahara – Mitake – Hosokute
:: Day 3 Sekigahara – Mitake – Hosokute ::
Day 4 Hosokute – Ena
:: Day 4 Hosokute – Ena ::
Day 5 Ena – Magome
:: Day 5 Ena – Magome ::
Day 6 Magome – Tsumago
:: Day 6 Magome – Tsumago ::
Day 7 Tsumago – Kiso-Fukushima
:: Day 7 Tsumago – Kiso-Fukushima ::
Day 8 Kiso-Fukushima – Kaida Plateau
:: Day 8 Kiso-Fukushima – Kaida Plateau ::
Day 9 Kaida Plateau - Narai - Karuizawa
:: Day 9 Kaida Plateau - Narai - Karuizawa ::
Day 10 Karuizawa – Tokyo
:: Day 10 Karuizawa – Tokyo ::
May 24 - Ferry ride to Asakusa
:: May 24 - Ferry ride to Asakusa ::
May 25 - Visiting the Fish Market
:: May 25 - Visiting the Fish Market ::
May 26 - Flying home
:: May 26 - Flying home ::
Lots of Steps and miles
Lots of Steps and miles