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Bryan Murahashi | profile | all galleries >> 2024 Adventures >> May - Trip to Japan >> May 25 - Visiting the Fish Market tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

May 25 - Visiting the Fish Market

Before breakfast - walk around the hotel
Before breakfast - walk around the hotel
Early morning walk
Early morning walk
Early morning walk
Early morning walk
Early morning walk
Early morning walk
Early morning walk
Early morning walk
Early morning walk
Early morning walk
Crossing the street to our previous night's dinner location
Crossing the street to our previous night's dinner location
People sitll milling around
People sitll milling around
Stairs to a bar
Stairs to a bar
Quiet morning
Quiet morning
Garbage to be picked up
Garbage to be picked up
To the bar
To the bar
After breakfast
After breakfast
To the Tsukiji Nippon Fish Port Market
To the Tsukiji Nippon Fish Port Market
Tsukiji Nippon Fish Port Market
Tsukiji Nippon Fish Port Market
Tsukiji Nippon Fish Port Market
Tsukiji Nippon Fish Port Market
Hamarikyu Gardens
Hamarikyu Gardens
Hamarikyu Gardens
Hamarikyu Gardens
Lunch View
Lunch View
My sushi lunch
My sushi lunch
Hamarikyu Gardens
Hamarikyu Gardens
Siren Butterfly
Siren Butterfly
Visiting Ginza shopping district
Visiting Ginza shopping district
KATSUMIDO Camera store
KATSUMIDO Camera store
Kabuki Theater
Kabuki Theater
Seiko House Ginza Clock Tower
Seiko House Ginza Clock Tower
Roof top garden
Roof top garden
Roof top garden
Roof top garden
My dream End-of-Life crisis ride
My dream End-of-Life crisis ride
Local train
Local train
Clock Repair
Clock Repair
To the fish market and Ginza
To the fish market and Ginza