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Bruce Ward | all galleries >> Galleries >> Selfies - All about Me > Strict Discipline
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14-MAY-2005 © 2005 Bruce Ward

Strict Discipline

Canon EOS 10D
1/8s f/16.0 at 42.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 28-Dec-2006 09:26
ROFL!!!! Nice shot, very corny!
Guest 28-Dec-2006 05:32
LOL! Spankin' da monkey! Guess your favorite model was busy that night, huh Bruce? Well, a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. Great image by the way.
Trevor Rudderham15-May-2005 16:11
Wonderfully creative!
A interesting vision excellently executed.
tom 14-May-2005 21:46
Geeze. What's next? You stern bastard.

Doc, I think there's a dusty western film acting opportunity in your future. You'll have to ditch that monkey though. tk.
Hans VR14-May-2005 21:37
Wow, this is a great image and a very difficult lighting situation. Very well done.