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Welcome to my site! Please enjoy my photos but bear in mind that all photos on this site are copyrighted and should not be copied/printed without my permission. If you are interested in finding out more about me or my work, or in purchasing one of my images as a fine art print, please visit my commercial site at Thanks for stopping by!
Natural Horizons Photography Prints for Sale
:: Natural Horizons Photography Prints for Sale ::
:: Landscapes ::
::  Wildlife ::
:: Insects ::
Birds of Tennessee
:: Birds of Tennessee ::
Reelfoot in Ice
:: Reelfoot in Ice ::
Yellowstone and the Tetons
:: Yellowstone and the Tetons ::
Cumberland Island and Crooked River
:: Cumberland Island and Crooked River ::
Bays Mountain Park
:: Bays Mountain Park ::
Wild Turkey
:: Wild Turkey ::
 Herpetofauna (crawly things)
::  Herpetofauna (crawly things) ::
Georgia Coast
:: Georgia Coast ::
Streams & Waterfalls
:: Streams & Waterfalls ::
:: Wildflowers ::
In the Garden
:: In the Garden ::
Sinking Cedar Farm
:: Sinking Cedar Farm ::
Highland County, Virginia
:: Highland County, Virginia ::
A Day With the Kids
:: A Day With the Kids ::