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Liz Bickel | all galleries >> World of Insects: Multiple Galleries >> Bees & Wasps > Bumble Bee 9-17-24
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17-Sep-2024 copyright Elizabeth Bickel

Bumble Bee 9-17-24

On a Marigold

Bumblebees are peaceful creatures. Bumblebees can sting, but it’s rare. Some people even refer to them as “gentle giants” because of their size and passive nature. In most cases, bumblebees will leave you alone as long as you leave them alone. Interestingly, only female bumblebees can sting. Male bumblebees cannot. Bumblebees come in different sizes depending on the species and their role within the colony. The bee above is a smaller one.

I love having Bumblebees around as pollinators.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Dan Opdal19-Oct-2024 03:40
Stunning close-up, Liz! Thank you for sharing. V
Carl Carbone19-Oct-2024 00:34
Nice closeup.
Nick Paoni18-Oct-2024 19:48
Terrific colors and details.
Helen Betts18-Oct-2024 18:54
Sharp shot of this bee; hope it didn't sting you!
Allan Jay18-Oct-2024 15:19
Perfect timing and wonderful detail!
Danad18-Oct-2024 14:08
Great details and colors.
joseantonio18-Oct-2024 10:59
lovely sharp colors.V.