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Liz Bickel | all galleries >> World of Insects: Multiple Galleries >> Bees & Wasps > I'm Not Reaching In 10-05-24
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05-Oct-2024 copyright Elizabeth Bickel

I'm Not Reaching In 10-05-24

to the pot of this plant to see if the insect

is a mimic or the real deal.

But I'll get close enough to take his photo.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Alexander Kazakov25-Oct-2024 12:38
Perfect! V
Bryan Murahashi11-Oct-2024 05:25
Nice capture of this intimidating critter.
Hank Vander Velde11-Oct-2024 00:23
Well captured my wise friend. I wouldn't get too near it either.
Hank Vander Velde11-Oct-2024 00:23
Well captured ,y wise friend. I wouldn't get too near it either.
Tom Beech10-Oct-2024 14:37
Yeah, don't mess with Wasps, they can get very angry and vicious
Helen Betts10-Oct-2024 11:59
Definitely close enough, and you got a great shot of it, whatever it is.
joseantonio10-Oct-2024 10:42
great macro capture.V