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Liz Bickel | all galleries >> Themed Galleries >> Themes: Multiple Galleries >> Everything: Multiple Galleries >> H >> Hibiscus >> Hibiscus 2023-2025 > Earth Angel 9-09-24
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09-Sep-2024 copyright Elizabeth Bickel

Earth Angel 9-09-24


Pure white tropical hibiscus are not common, but a few do exist. They bring a touch of elegance and simplicity to the garden with their pristine white flowers.
This is the first one I've ever grown. It has a very serene feeling when in flower.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Carl Carbone15-Oct-2024 19:45
Perfectly exposed.
Hank Vander Velde15-Oct-2024 19:07
Beautiful Liz. I've never seen a white one.
Allan Jay15-Oct-2024 15:35
Lovely light on this beautiful
Danad15-Oct-2024 14:48
2 P.M. on this natural sundial ... Great light, details and textures on this sharp close-up.
Tom LeRoy15-Oct-2024 14:39
Great work with the light, stunning shot of this beauty. V
joseantonio15-Oct-2024 07:00
nice angle to play with the shadow.V
Wintermeer15-Oct-2024 04:50
Excellent lighting and shadows! ~V~
aldeca15-Oct-2024 04:37
Very nice. V.
Bryan Murahashi15-Oct-2024 04:16
Beautiful white bloom and like its shadow.