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Liz Bickel | all galleries >> Themed Galleries >> Themes: Multiple Galleries >> Everything: Multiple Galleries >> H >> Hibiscus >> Hibiscus 2023-2025 > Inside a Hibiscus 10-03-24
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03-Oct-2024 copyright Elizabeth Bickel

Inside a Hibiscus 10-03-24

Spotted Cucumber Beetles - like this one - have been chewing holes in almost all my flowers on the deck. They're extremely prolific this Fall. And destructive. Much more so than normal.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Alexander Kazakov25-Oct-2024 12:37
Fantastic! V
Bryan Murahashi10-Oct-2024 03:40
Wonderful and colorful macro capture.
Hank Vander Velde10-Oct-2024 00:23
A welldetaile macro image Liz.
Nick Paoni09-Oct-2024 20:17
He looks like he is blasting out of a nebula.
Helen Betts09-Oct-2024 13:05
Excellent closeup of this little "destructor," in a pretty setting.
joseantonio09-Oct-2024 10:47
stunning capture with great details.V.
Danad09-Oct-2024 09:14
Simply another world, colorful and so rich in details.