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26-Sep-2024 copyright Elizabeth Bickel

New Refrigerator 9-26-24

Samsung Bespoke 4 Door Refrigerator with the Family Hub

Today, we said goodby to our old "GE Profile" side-by-side and said hello to a new "Samsung Bespoke" 4 door frig with a "Family Hub" smart screen.

To be really honest, I preferred the side-by-side layout with both water & ice through the door. That's what we always have all for all of our marriage. However, high end side-by-side refrigerators are currently "out of style". Most of the top quality, new refrigerators have moved to putting the freezer on the bottom. I would prefer not to have a bottom freezer and I would also prefer to still have ice & water more easily accessed without having to open a door.

However, since what I would have preferred is no longer available at a level of refrigerator that I want in our home, I have had to settle for a bottom freezer. The top of the new refrigerator is really nice, and I've already very happy with it, despite having to open a separate door to get to the cold water dispenser. I'm not wild about having to bend over to separately get ice out of the bottom freezer. There are two sizes of ice, but you need to manually scoop out of dual bins. Alhtough I preferred through-the-door ice, I'll probably eventually get use to the dual ice bins & having to scoop.

Otherwise, the bottom freezer is perfect if a freezer must be on the bottom. I really like having doors with a layout similar to the top frig section. It's very easy to organize and you do not lose what you put into the freezer. Everything in both the refrigerator and freezer sections are at easy fingertip reach and easily visible.


Dscription by Samsung:


One review:

I like the larger size and don't consider that a negative. It's actually a bit smaller than our old side-by-side.


Now that the new refrigerator is in and working, we can get on the flooring installer's schedule to have the new kitchen flooring laid in early October.

After that, we will be moving on to finding a new countertop and sinks that bring everything together. Fingers crossed that we will have the kitchen finished by November. With this new frig in place, we are now finally progressing visually. It's nice to have a refrigerator back in the cabinet cove where it belongs.

samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra
1/40s f/2.2 at 2.2mm iso320 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Dan Opdal29-Sep-2024 05:00
Looks like a nice spacious refrigerator. V
Bryan Murahashi29-Sep-2024 04:05
Nice and shiny.
Carl Carbone28-Sep-2024 20:26
Seems like a logical layout!
Danad28-Sep-2024 15:42
An impressive one !
Helen Betts28-Sep-2024 13:47
Congratulations, and I think it looks great!
Tom Beech28-Sep-2024 12:29
Wow, hope that works out for you, looks huge to me could serve as a safe room as well 8-)

Did the new flooring not get finished in time ? or just a protective pad to roll the new fridge on ?
janescottcumming28-Sep-2024 11:17
It's a matter of what you get used to. I love having the freezer on the bottom. Kitchen renovations are hard to live through.
joseantonio28-Sep-2024 10:45
hope your plans will go nicely for you.V