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Liz Bickel | all galleries >> Themed Galleries >> Themes: Multiple Galleries >> Everything: Multiple Galleries >> W >> Wild Deer > Winter Doe 2-25-24
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25-Feb-2024 copyright Elizabeth Bickel

Winter Doe 2-25-24

Nikon COOLPIX P950
1/60s f/6.5 at 357.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Nick Paoni20-Aug-2024 20:20
A terrific Nature portrait. Love the light and the catch-light in her eye.
Tom LeRoy20-Aug-2024 16:03
a special and beautifully photographed portrait. v
Bryan Murahashi20-Aug-2024 15:31
A beautiful portrait.
Danad20-Aug-2024 09:55
A great portrait in a warm light !
Dan Opdal20-Aug-2024 03:31
Such a beautiful shot, Liz. You got my vote! V
joseantonio20-Aug-2024 03:21
so nice to see it this close.V.