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American History 7-21-24

A Man Who Put Country Over Self

"History will remember him as a patriot who put country over personal ambition."


"Joe Biden, the president of the United States, has decided not to run for his office in 2024. He joins a small but honorable fraternity of men who, for various reasons, declined to seek reelection. This club was founded by George Washington, whose refusal to stand for the presidency again in 1796 was particularly important, because he was walking away from a virtually guaranteed victory."

"Biden faces challenges of age that are not going to get any easier. His decision to make way for a younger candidate reaffirmed that his party is not about one man. Biden is a good man, and he’s been a good and consequential president with a first-term record most of his predecessors would envy."

"Every voter who cares about democracy but has claimed to be paralyzed by the two old men in the race will now have no excuses for indecision."

samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra
1/77s f/2.4 at 7.9mm iso80 full exif

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Tom Beech23-Jul-2024 22:39
Thanks Joe, good man, we need more like you
mic_hong22-Jul-2024 04:13
Utterly respect... He was able to forego his ego. My hat is off to him.