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Liz Bickel | all galleries >> Themed Galleries >> Themes: Multiple Galleries >> Everything: Multiple Galleries >> B >> Bailey Galleries >> Bailey at Eight > 100 Degrees in the Shade
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02-Aug-2022 copyright Elizabeth Bickel

100 Degrees in the Shade

Official, actual temperature from the Weather Service (37.8°C).
The local TV weatherman said humidity level was 78%; which is extremely unusual for actual temperatures this high.

Comfort Level: Almost unbearable
I forget what the heat index was earlier today. There was an extreme heat warning.
My husband was very concerned about my being outdoors; even in the shade.
At 10PM, the heat index outside is currently still 103 degrees (38°C)!!! But the actual temperature is now back down to 92 degrees.

Unfortunately, this current heat wave is not our first heat wave of the Summer...


Although the hibiscus was a bit droopy, Bailey didn't seem to mind being outside with me for a few minutes today. Yesterday (only in the 90's with a heat index of 103 degrees) was different. Yesterday, Bailey quickly decided that enough was enough. With a couple of unhappy whimpers, she opened the screen door herself and went inside the Solar Room. Bella and Chile just waited for me. Today, Bella and Chile wanted no part of the heat, but Bailey followed me onto the deck. However, after about 5 minutes, I put her back inside the airconditioned house, too.


My timing was good because immediately after this, the hawk unexpectedly appeared on the scene with a crow chasing him. This went on for several minutes until the pair returned to the treed area from where they came. At that point, the crow sounded in distress. But I couldn't see what was happening. Later, the hawk did a low fly over our backyard. I didn't see the crow again. I was very happy that my dogs were all safely indoors before the hawk showed up.

What a day.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Mairéad05-Aug-2022 22:11
Heat, humidity and hawks - sounds like a hellish combination.
joseantonio03-Aug-2022 03:28
the same around here (34ºC here which is not so usual)...V
Nick Paoni03-Aug-2022 02:57
Love the eye contact.